

WORKPLACE: At work, flirting is usually acceptable only in certain areas, with certain people and at specific times or occasions. Each workplace or working environment has its own unwritten rules regarding

In some companies, the coffee machine or cafeteria may be the area to flirt, other companies may frown on any flirting during office hours, or between managers and staff, while others basically have
no such rules.

Careful watching your co-workers is the best way to discover the unspoken flirting rules of your own workplace, make sure that you watch the behaviour of the most highly regarded individuals in your
company, not the people who do not have much of a future in your company.

PARTICIPANT SPORT OR HOBBIES: Almost any sport or hobby can involve flirting. The level of flirting tends to be related to the standards of the participants and their enthusiasm towards the sport or hobby.

You will generally find a lot of flirting among beginners to the sport or hobby and less flirting among the more serious, competitive participants . There are of course exceptions to this rule, but
before joining a team or club, it is worth trying to find out if the members have burning ambitions to play in the national championships or win prestigious awards for their handiwork. If you are
just looking for opportunities to flirt, avoid the serious groups, and seek out clubs full of happy, sociable under-achievers.

: Although most sporting events and other spectator pastimes (such as theatre or cinema) have the advantage of providing conversation topics of mutual interest, they are not good places to
flirt, because social contact may limited to a short interval or breaks or require "missing the action".

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