

Most of us can maintain an expression of polite interest, such as nodding when we do not agree! On the other hand, we tend to be less conscious of what the rest of our body is doing.

We may be smiling and nodding, but we show our disagreement with tightly folded arms. This is known as sending mixed signals, while we're busy controlling our words and faces, our real feelings show in our posture.

When flirting, you should be on watch for signs of this in their posture, and try to send the right signals with your own posture.

Their mixed signal can give you advance warning when your approach isn't working. If their head is turned towards you, while the rest of the body pointed in another direction, this is a sign that you do not have your partner's full attention.

Even just the feet starting to turn and "point" away from you can be a sign that their attention is directed elsewhere, or that they are thinking about moving away. Leaning backwards and supporting the head on one hand are signs of boredom. Closed postures with arms folded and legs tightly crossed express disagreement or dislike.

Positive signs to keep an eye for are their body is oriented towards you, particularly if they are also leaning forward, in an open posture.

These are signs of attentiveness and interest or liking. Females are more likely to tilt their heads to one side when they are interested in the person they are talking to. Do not automatically assume that these signs indicate sexual interest.

Another positive sign is when your partner unconsciously adopts a posture similar to yours. Mirror imaging where one person's left side copies the other person's right side - are the strongest indication of harmony and rapport between the pair.

If the position of your partner's body and limbs appear to mirror your own, particularly if their posture is the exact of yours, the chances are that they feel an closeness to you.

When flirting, you can also use mirror image to create a feeling of togetherness and harmony. Even though people are not consciously aware of someone deliberately copying their postures, they look upon the person who does this more favourably.

When you copy their postures, they will not only feel more at ease in your company, but will perceive you as more like-minded.

Males adopt postures which make them appear taller, larger and more impressive, such as placing hands in pockets with elbows out to enlarge the chest, or leaning one hand at above shoulder height on a wall to appear taller and more imposing.

Females either adopt postures which make them look smaller, such as drawing the knees towards the body when seated, or postures which draw attention to physical attributes, such as arching the back to display the breasts, or to draw attention to their legs crossing and re-crossing them.

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